On Wednesday, 26th February, the Virginia Show Centre became a hub of learning and empowerment as young people from across County Cavan gathered for the ‘Make the Right Choice’ event. Organised by Foróige, in collaboration with Cavan 365 Youth Diversion Project, An Garda Síochána, MaCYSS, and Safe Ireland and supported by Cavan CYPSC, the event aimed to educate and equip young people with the knowledge and tools to make informed life decisions.
CCLD staff from WorkAbility and Parenting Cavan, Laura Caslin and Joanne McCabe both had stands at the event offering information and support to the young people.
➡ Joanne (Parenting Cavan) engaged with parents and young people on fostering supportive family relationships and the importance of guidance in navigating teenage years.
➡ Laura (WorkAbility) provided insights into career opportunities and pathways for young people, offering practical advice on skill-building and employment prospects.
Events like these play a vital role in youth empowerment, fostering awareness, and encouraging young people to take control of their futures. CCLD, through Parenting Cavan and WorkAbility remain committed to supporting initiatives that help young people thrive in their personal and professional lives.
For more information about Parenting Cavan and WorkAbility, visit: www.ccld.ie <http://www.ccld.ie>
#YouthEmpowerment #MakeTheRightChoice #ParentingCavan #WorkAbility #Cavan365 #Foroige #YouthReach #RoadSafety #HealthyRelationships #SubstanceMisuse #CommunitySupport @ESF_Ireland @EUfundsIreland #EUinmyregion