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Community Cleanup Day


LEADER Targeted Call 2019: for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’

Call for communities in County Cavan to seek LEADER funding for ICT equipment
Call for communities in County Cavan to seek LEADER funding for ICT equipment

Targeted (time limited) call for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’ is now open.

This call is for community groups to submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ for ICT equipment which is for the use and benefit of the local community.  This call is open from 13 March 2019 and all fully completed ‘Expression of Interest’ forms should be returned to Breffni Integrated CLG offices no later than 4.00pm on 18 April 2019.

We welcome your ideas on potential projects which help you to improve the local communities access to broadband infrastructure or prepares groups for the arrival of broadband.  Possible projects could include; purchase of PCs, laptops, tablets, iPads, printers, projectors, furniture for computer training suite, refurbishing/upgrading a current ICT training suite, facilities for hot desking and boosters for WIFI within your centre to name a few.  Each applicant community group are required to outline the NEED for this equipment in their community, e.g. the NEED = list of potential users (for parents, youth, unemployed, self-employed, students) any proposed training courses, digital plan.  Note: information your communities NEED must be included in question 15. on Expression of Interest form along with a list of ICT equipment and project description.

Community ICT Infrastructure call details:

  • Total available budget for this Targeted Call: €134,000.00

  • Maximum Level of Funding: Up to €18,500.00 per project

  • Minimum Level of Funding: €5,000.00Maximum Rates of grant aid: 75% for community projects

  • Timeline: Open for receipt of ‘expression of interest’ forms from 13th March, 2019 and this call closes at 4.00pm on18th April, 2019.

Full details about the LEADER application process, Expression of Interest (EOI) forms and data protection forms can be downloaded from our website.

All completed Expression of Interest forms along with your completed data protection form must be submitted by 4.00pm Thursday 18th April, 2019 to Breffni Integrated Ltd., Unit 6A Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Road, Cavan.  Following the closing date for receipt of EOI’s, they will be checked for eligibility and all eligible EOI’s will be invited to attend a LEADER application support workshop in early May 2019.

You can contact LEADER staff with any queries on (049) 4331029 select option 3, or Email: 

This Cavan Local Action Group LEADER Targeted Call is from the following themes/actions of the Cavan Local Development Strategy

Theme: 1.0 Economic Development, Enterprise Development & Job Creation Sub Theme: 1.4 Broadband Strategic Action: 1.4.1 Support for communities to purchase ICT infrastructure and small equipment.

“The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021- 2027.”

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