The Cavan LEADER Local Action Group is currently announcing details of a targeted, time-limited call for Expressions of Interest for; ‘Communities to build or upgrade community recreational or physical amenities on the grounds of sporting organisations to serve the needs of local rural Communities (particularly the needs of children, teenagers, older people and new communities)’.

Overall Budget for the Call: €500,000
Maximum Level of Funding: Up to €75,000 per project
Minimum Level of Funding: €5,000
Maximum Rates of grant aid: 75% for community Projects.
Timeline: Fully completed 'Expression of Interest' (EOI) forms must be submitted before 15:00 on 4 October 2024 to
Typical project types welcomed under this call could include (but not limited to);
Provision of community recreational activity facilities to meet the needs of those in the community who do not wish to engage in mainstream sports.
Creative hubs and community wellbeing hubs offering; e.g. youth theatre, art therapies, crafts, ceramics or music therapies for young and old, men's/hen's sheds and/or community gardens/allotments/social farms
Provision of safer cycling and walking routes, recreational areas and provision of free-to-access outdoor gyms. Walking facilities should include short, flat walks with resting areas suitable for those with mobility issues.
Qualifying Criteria;
Mainstream sporting activities are not eligible.
Non-commercial projects only.
Community/Voluntary group applicants only.
The award of funding is conditional on the sporting organisations developing and implementing an inclusion strategy to ensure use of the facility by the entire community.
Compliant with Cavan Local Development Strategy 2023-2027 under Theme outlined in Table below:
Theme: | Theme 2: Objectives for Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion |
Sub Theme: | Local Objective 2.1: Support for projects that seek to improve the provision of community facilities to ensure they meet the needs of communities. |
Strategic Action: | 2.1.1 Support Capital infrastructure development for community spaces (including training and marketing) and installation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) parking areas. |
Additional information regarding time frame and support for this targeted call:
Targeted call open to accept 'Expression of Interest' (EOI) forms between 4 September and 4 October 2024. EOI forms can be (click link) downloaded here from our 'Apply for LEADER funding' web-page, completed and returned to
Each EOI is checked for eligibility between 7 October and 30 October, 2024.
If your Expression of Interest (EOI) is deemed eligible, you will receive an invitation to attend the LEADER Application Support Workshop on 6 November 2024. Following this, you will be required to fill out the LEADER application form.
Closing date for return of fully completed applications with ALL supporting documentation: 15.00 Thursday, 13 February 2025.
CCLD complete assessment report of each fully completed application, present them to an Independent Evaluation Committee (early April 25) and are then presented for decision at Cavan Local Action Group (LAG) Meeting planned for 30 April 2025.
Note: All dates above are provisional and may change. Submission of a LEADER application does not guarantee funding.