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Active Virginian’s
Breffni Integrated supported the Active Virginian’s with a SICAP grant application to develop a choir for those experiencing depression, iso

Lacken Men’s Shed
Breffni Integrated continues to support Lacken Men’s Shed with their capacity building and group development. With SICAP support from Lorrai

Cavan Congolese Multi Cultural Forum
Breffni Integrated have aided Cavan Congolese Multi Cultural Forum submit an application to the IHREC for funding towards networking with th

IHREC Application and SICAP Funding
Breffni Integrated have helped the 4 C’s secure SICAP funding towards their annual conference and family fun day, and have just submitted a

Child Protection Training
Breffni Integrated have been working with Bounce Back and have already organised Child Protection Training for 10 members of 4 C’s. Another

Ballyjamesduff Brazilian Group
English Classes for Brazilian Migrants in Ballyjamesduff. Hazel Leahy SICAP Development Officer for Breffni Integrated collaborated with the

4 C’s Multi Cultural Forum
The 4 C’s Multi Cultural Forum continues to grow from strength to strength. With the support of Hazel Leahy SICAP Development Officer with B

Polytunnel Ballyjamesduff Update
Tús worker Matthew Caldwell keeping an eye on the polytunnel crop in Ballyjamesduff. Here's hoping for a bumper harvest this summer !

Start your own Business and keep your benefits
Did you know that you can start your own business and keep your social welfare for up to two years! The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance...

Training in Breffni
A number of staff took part in Media Training. Here is a picture of their happy faces

Home Repairs & Maintenance Course (QQI Accredited)
CMETB Home Repairs & Maintenance Course is starting on 12th April in the Bexcourt Centre, Bailieborough. The course is free to unemployed...

LEADER Targeted Call 2019: for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’
Targeted (time limited) call for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’ is now open. This call is for...

Cavan LEADER – Introduction to Biodiversity Training
Breffni Integrated CLG are organising a series of four ‘Introduction to Biodiversity Training’ courses in four different community venues...

Feasibility Study for Pilgrim Way along the Shannon Erne Waterway
In late 2018, Breffni Integrated CLG, in association with 13 local development companies and thirteen local authorities (Including Cavan...

Cavan LEADER funded projects 2018
LEADER funding making a big impact in County Cavan Cavan LEADER Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 was launched late in 2016 and...

Driving for Development Programme
Pictured above are the participants who completed a 6 week pilot employment training programme for under 25s. The programme commenced on...

Minister Ring announces €190 Million SICAP Programme for Deprived and Marginalised Communities
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Mr Michael Ring TD, on Friday 20th April, 2018 announced a major investment by the...
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