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Cavan Community Biodiversity Training Course now available & it's FREE!
Information about three free biodiversity training courses for communities in County Cavan in 2025. Link provided to application form.

Cavan LEADER Targeted Call 2024
This blog provides detailed information for Cavan Communities & particularly sporting bodies about a targeted call now open for LEADER funds

Empowering County Cavan: Unveiling the LEADER 2023-2027 Funding Programme for Communities and Businesses
Announcement regarding the opening of the new Cavan LEADER 23-27 funding programme, with details of series of public information events.

‘Cavan Climate Action Hub’ feasibility study launched
On Friday 17 November '23 Heather Humphreys T.D. Minister for Rural and Community Development launched this study to an audience of...

Cavan Communities 4 Climate Action - The Climate Is Changing, Will You?
Cavan County Local Development (CCLD) are committed to helping transition Cavan to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally...

CCLD Is Proud To Launch Its Social Enterprise Strategy 2021 - 2026
CCLD Social Enterprise Strategy 2021 - 2016

Cavan communities becoming Climate ready. 'Communities 4 climate action' training opportunity.
Discovering how communities and businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and how to become climate ready is the primary focus of this...

Innovating Communities
Contact us for further information about the initiative and how to get involved.

Cavan Crufts Winner Opens Business
Cavan LEADER continue to provide funding support to both communities and private businesses/individuals and here is one innovative example;

Cavan LEADER supports Environmental Projects in 2020
Breffni Integrated CLG has a number of Cavan LEADER funding and training initiatives in place to support the conservation and protection...

Cavan is becoming Biodiversity Aware!
Cavan LEADER 'Introduction to Biodiversity' study trip to wild meadow in Killeshandra in June 2019

LEADER Targeted Call 2019: for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’
Targeted (time limited) call for ‘Community Information Communication Technology (ICT) Infrastructure’ is now open. This call is for...

Cavan LEADER – Introduction to Biodiversity Training
Breffni Integrated CLG are organising a series of four ‘Introduction to Biodiversity Training’ courses in four different community venues...

Feasibility Study for Pilgrim Way along the Shannon Erne Waterway
In late 2018, Breffni Integrated CLG, in association with 13 local development companies and thirteen local authorities (Including Cavan...

Cavan LEADER funded projects 2018
LEADER funding making a big impact in County Cavan Cavan LEADER Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 was launched late in 2016 and...
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