Apply for Cavan LEADER 23-27 Programme Funding

Expression of Interest for LEADER funding
At the Cavan LAG/LCDC monthly meeting on 28th March, 2024 a decision was made that the Cavan LEADER 2023 - 2027 programme would open. See support information provided below designed to assist applicants to complete an 'Expression of Interest' (EOI) form and prepare to submit a full application (if EOI is deemed eligible).
The submission of a FULLY completed 'Expression of Interest' (EOI) form is the first step in applying for LEADER funding. When all information is completed on the EOI form, it can be emailed to leader@ccld.ie . It will then be reviewed to determine if your project is eligible for funding and if you can advance to the next stage of the Application Process.
The 'Expression of Interest' (EOI) form is available to download below.
Please read County Cavan LEADER Local Development Strategy (LDS) 2023 - 2027 Extract which provides project ideas that may be eligible for funding and summarises this programmes aims/priorities.
These documents may also be of assistance when completing your expression of interest form, including; 'Ineligible Sectors & Activities' under the LEADER operating rules and the 'LEADER 23-27 presentation' slides from our public events held in April/May 2024.

If you have a project idea which you think may be eligible for LEADER funding, contact:
Cavan County Local Development, Unit 6A Corlurgan Business Park, Ballinagh Road, Cavan H12DP86, Email: leader@ccld.ie phone 049 433 1029 (extension 3), or download & complete an 'Expression of Interest' form above.
NOTE: Maximum levels of funding: 50% for Private Projects and 75% for Community Projects. Potential projects covered by a planned targeted call are not eligible at this time.