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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.




Services &


for People

Start your






Employment & Education

/Training Supports




SICAP 2024 - 2028 is the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme.  It aims to tackle poverty, social exclusion and  long-term unemployment through local engagement and partnership between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.  Cavan County Local Development is contracted by Cavan LCDC to deliver SICAP in County Cavan. To contact a SICAP staff member please visit our contact page.

It is the successor programme to SICAP 2018 - 2023 and is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021- 2027.”


SICAP addresses high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally-led approaches. It targets and supports those who are disadvantaged in Irish society and less likely to use mainstream services and assists both individuals and groups.


The programme is managed by 33 Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs), with support from local authorities, and actions are delivered by Programme Implementers (PIs).  Breffni Integrated CLG T/A Cavan County Local Development is the Local Development Company responsible for managing and delivering SICAP across county Cavan.


PIs work with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to improve people’s lives. For example, this could mean helping people to find work or to upskill, by providing CV training, a personal development course, helping them to prepare for an interview or helping them onto a workplace programme such as CE or Tύs.

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Start Your Own Business 





At Breffni Integrated we can help you turn that dream into a reality!


If you are currently unemployed and on the Live Register and would like to become self-employed then Breffni Integrated is the right agency to help you achieve that dream. There are many services that we provide to our clients to help them obtain the necessary skills in running a successful business. These include:


Mentoring: One to one meetings with the enterprise officer who can answer your questions and help you overcome any fears and obstacles during the pre-enterprise start up stage.


Training Courses: We offer a number of training courses from Start Your Own Business training courses to Basic Book Keeping training.


The Back to Work Enterprise Allowance


A special scheme exists for those who are considered long term unemployed or fall under the term social exclusion. This scheme entitles those eligible to keep a portion of their Social Welfare payments on a gradually reducing scale over two years while also being self employed. To be eligible one must be in receipt of a Job Seekers payments for 9 months or be in receipt of one of the following payments for at least 12 months:


  • One – Parent Family Payment


  • Disability Allowance


  • Blind Pension


  • Farm Assist


  • Unemployability Supplement


  • Pre-Retirement Allowance


  • Invalidity Pension


  • Carers Allowance


  • Widows or Widowers Allowance


  • Deserted Wife’s Benefit


  • Prisoners Wife’s Allowance.


A shorter scheme also exists for those who are on Job Seekers Benefit have been made redundant or have 104 contributions made.


Periods spent on FAS, CE, VTOS, Social Economy Programme, JI, Failte Ireland, Back to Education Scheme, Teagasc or FIT is accepted as a period of unemployment.


Furthermore, you may also be entitled to keep your entire secondary benefits e.g. medical card, mortgage supplement, back to school allowance etc.


To find out more please contact the following:


Elaine McGrath, Enterprise Officers,


(049) 4331029 or

Local Community Development

Local Community Development

What We Do


We provide support to local community and voluntary groups with planning, training, grant applications, recruiting and retaining volunteers, and corporate governance. Examples of some of the supports we provide to local community groups include:


  • Committee Skills Training


  • Financial Skills Training


  • Good Corporate Governance and Data Protection Training


  • Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers Training


  • Community Education Courses


  • How to set up and maintain a Website


  • Compliance Support e.g. Charities Regulator returns, Pobal SAS


  • Strategic Planning


  • Community needs analysis


  • Applying for funding and reporting requirements


  • General advice and guidance on establishing or developing a community group


  • Community Education Courses



Who We Are SICAP Team Details

Job Interview

Employment and Education/Training Supports

We provide supports and services to individuals, children and families in the following areas:


  • Personal Development and Wellbeing supports

  • Awareness raising/training on mental health and wellbeing, suicide, physical health, domestic violence

  • Community Education Courses

  • Youth initiatives

Under Employment Supports

  • Training & Education Grants to cover course fees etc.

  • CV Preparation

  • Interview Skills

  • Job Application completion

  • Confidence Building

  • Supporting a client to gain work experience

  • Personal Development

  • Identifying barriers preventing you from finding employment

  • Employment specific training such as but not limited to the following:

  • Manual Handling

  • Occupational First Aid & FAR – PHECC accredited

  • STEPS – Steps to Excellence for Personal Success

  • Basic Computer training

  • Construction Skills Training

  • We can also help you source training courses suitable to your needs.

Employment & Education
Who We Support

Who We Support

Local development images
The Beckscourt Centre

The Beckscourt Centre

The Beckscourt Centre is a shared services building coordinated and managed by Breffni Integrated CLG and under lease from Cavan County Council. The building is a one stop shop for Social Inclusion & Community Development Supports in Bailieborough and the surrounding areas. A SICAP Development Officer coordinates and manages the centre and as a result all services are interlinked providing seamless supports for individuals and community groups locally. The SICAP supports outlined on this page are available within the building as well as the following Services:

Employability Service Monaghan/Cavan

EmployAbility – The EmployAbility Service Cavan Monaghan is one of 23 supported employment services nationwide. It supports individuals with any long term medical condition, injury, illness or disability to secure and retain employment. It is also a free recruitment advice service for the business community. 


EmployAbility can

  • Job match people to your businesses needs

  • Provide ongoing support (as needed) to both the employer and the employee throughout employment

  • Provide information and advice on social welfare grants and incentives to employers

  • Support clients with information on social welfare payments

  • Offer work experience


For further information on the service in Cavan contact:

Zoe (Bailieborough) 087 971 1182

Robert (Cavan, Cootehill) 087 671 4663

Monica (Cavan, Ballyjamesduff) 087 635 4324

Shauna (Cavan, Belturbet, Ballyconnell) 087 330 6464

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The Joshua Project

This is a Faith based community initiative with its aim to support those with addiction and mental health issues.

Participants complete a sixteen week programme including Faith Exploration, Skills Set Development and Work Experience.

Contact: Liam Mc Namara 0862493906




Bailieborough Men’s Shed

A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men can come together. It’s a place where men can share their skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills or redevelop old skills. Good health is based on many factors including feeling good about yourself, being productive and valuable to your community, connecting to friends and maintaining an active body and mind. Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed provides a safe and busy environment where you can find many of these things. Also, importantly, there’s no pressure. Men can just come and have a chat and a cup of tea if that’s all they’re looking for.

Email John:



The Cavan\Monaghan Drug and Alcohol Service aims to provide a holistic, person centred service to individuals with issues of substance misuse encompassing elements of counseling, psychotherapy and alternative therapies.

Drug and alcohol issues are a widespread problem in Ireland, Cavan and the Bailieborough Area. Community Development Association Trust ltd is a voluntary organization that was first established in 2001 to tackle this issue.

CDA Trust LTD originally started in Bailieborough and it is important that it has a presence providing counseling and a safe meeting space.


Head Office: CDA Trust LTD

Acot House, Drumnavanagh, Farnham Road, Cavan

Tel:  049 437 9160


Tim Murphy-coordinator:



Probation Service

Each Thursday 10-4:30

Providing community service including litter picking and tidy town work.

Sinead-Probation Officer: 086-8502108

Contact: Kevin Farrelly: Supervisor

Mob: 086 8179585

Email: Clive Stone (


Bounce Back Project

In conjunction with the Irish Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children (ISPCC) and  Tusla (Michelle O Connor) 042 9795623 use the centre as a base for their work with young people in the area.

Bounce Back Youth Services,

CMETB Adult and Community Education Centre, Virginia Rd, Ballyjamesduff,

Yvonne Lowry Mob: 0873664924

Bailieborough Bounce Back Youth Club takes place every Wednesday evening from 6 – 8 pm



Providing Counselling at the Centre by appointment

Sosad (save our sons and daughters) is an organisation with five main goals:

·         Raise awareness of suicide in Ireland

·         Provide support and direction to those feeling suicidal

·         Provide support and direction to those approached by someone feeling suicidal

·         Provide support and direction for those bereaved by suicide.

Tel: 049 4326339




Cavan/Monaghan ETB Training

Delivering Classes with QQI Accreditation

Contact: Regina Clarke 0498553528





This is a group of volunteers who provide support for senior citizens who need assistance with small jobs around the house, this can range from changing a light bulb to helping out with domestic chores

Tel: 042 9694825

Email Gabriele:


Looking for an appointment?

To make contact, book an appointment or enquire about room hire please contact the following:


Facebook: Beckscourt Centre


Padraig Mc Breen.

Breffni Integrated CLG,

Beckscourt Centre,

Tel: 042 969 4825

Work Mobile: 087 169 3474


“The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021- 2027.”

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